
STOP Bill Shock

Get these questions answered:

  • -where's the money going?
  • -how come I can't save?
  • -why is there nothing left after I get my pay?
  • -how do I start saving?

"Now I can easily track my records, kick my bad spending habits and smash my financial goals!
I can finally start building my nest egg."

My partner and I always say that at the end of the week we'll put whatever we have leftover in a savings account, but by the time the end of the week comes around there's nothing left and we're scratching our heads wondering where all the money went


Get Smart with your Household expenses
Our easy to use system has everything you need

Get peace of mind

Know what you spend and where you spend it.

Get your refund fast

Turn wasted money into savings - it's Magic.

Get all your deductions

Track your tax deductions.

Control your future

Control your

  • Managing the money your earn properly will see you achieving your goals - not managing your money will see you going around in circles.
  • EASILY smash your financial goals with My Household Records
  • See what you're spending your money on and cut out the unnecessary spending
  • Put more money to savings
  • Instantly generate reports to make sure you're on track.
  • Record your income and expenses simply
  • It automatically updates your My Household Records
  • Check your income and expenses anywhere and at anytime
  • Share your cashbook with your family, so everyone can track their expenses.

Available for FREE on Android and iOs

Your first month is FREE

Track your finances for a month to see where the bad habits lie so you can start putting the extra money into savings.


We give you a nice simple App (CES BOOKKEEPING), so you can quickly record your household expenses as they occur.
The whole family can use the App anytime they buy something.

  • Give the debt worries the flick
  • Get confidence in knowing where you're heading
  • Feel happy and successful
  • Hit your goals and enjoy the benefits